
ABCs of Spring

I don’t know about you guys, but for me, no matter what the temperature (and no matter what the calendar says) March = Spring. Spring just makes everything better.

ABCs of Spring

Last Spring at Columbia Road Flower Market

Alexander McQueen retrospective. I’m very excited to see it! 
Bank Holidays. It’s about time one of them came up!
Creme Eggs. Who doesn’t love them!
Daylight. In London during the late Spring/early Summer it can stay light till nearly 10 pm. It’s wonderful.
Evening walks. With the weather on the turn, I can start resuming my evening walks. (Also known as my exercise.)
Fresh flowers. Enough Said. 
Growing things. I’d love to grow our own herbs. Sadly I have a brown thumb, but fortunately Sam is brilliant with plants. 
Holidays- Mother’s Day and Easter. Lots of love to go around in the Spring!
It being more socially acceptable for me to wear floral prints all the time. 
Jack the Ripper Tour? It sounds cheesy and fun and a bit grim – exactly my kind of entertainment! 
Kew Gardens. I love it there! I can’t wait to go back!
Leaves on trees again! The ones outside our windows are looking so barren. 
May. AKA the best month. AKA my birthday month
No more tights. I want to wear dresses without having to put my legs in leg jail. 
Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race. It’s a tradition to watch it with Sam. I hope someone interrupts it with swimming again…
Packing up all my winter clothing. See you never again heavy coats and boots! *Just kidding see you in a few months…(weeps)*
Quit having to hide under blankets with a hot water bottle just to watch Netflix.
Ride Boris Bikes.
Sun, sun and more sun!
Tackling spring cleaning. Call me a weirdo but it’s something I enjoy! 
Under cover work.
Visit RHS Wisley
Wedding planning. Because I actually have to start thinking about that now?!
X-terminate this letter from my ABC posts as it’s so tricky.
YouTube channel. Grow it. With two vlogs under my belt so far, I’m really enjoying it!
Zoo trip to see the pandas in Edinburgh (I’m going to keep saying it till it happens.) 

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