
Personal || 50 Random Facts About Me

There are a lot of new readers around here so, I thought it was time to introduce myself properly. And by properly, I mean blitz you with some random facts.

50 Random Facts About Me

This is me getting chased by a dinosaur in Crystal Palace Park. That’s the kind of person I am. Someone a dinosaur would chase.

>>> I kill all plants. I don’t know how. Or why. Succulents, lilies, if it’s green I can kill it. We have some beautiful plants and they are all due to Sam.
>>> My eyes don’t have a color. Some days they are green, some days grey, some days blue. It all depends on what I am wearing and the amount of light.
>>> I love pandas. Like I really love pandas. Seeing them at the Edinburgh Zoo was one of the greatest days of my life. It’s my life’s mission to cuddle a panda before I die.
>>> I have an intense sweet tooth. I have to have something sweet at least once a day.
>>> My favourite literary couple are Will and Lyra from Pullman’s “His Dark Materials”.
>>> As a New Mexican, I get really sniffy about our cuisine. I’ve been known to lecture people on the fact that what they think is Mexican food is actually New Mexican food. (Or Tex-Mex.)
>>> I cry really easily. Sad commercial? Tears. New leaflet from the RSPCA? Tears.
>>> Let’s not mince words: I was a massive nerd growing up. My favourite thing to do was read. Basically, it was the only thing I ever wanted to do.
>>> At university I had dual degrees. One in international relations with a focus in conflict resolution. The other in theatre studies. My MA is in theatre studies.
>>> I have seen “Moulin Rouge” more than I’ve seen any other film.

>>> I’m conversational in Spanish but I also studied French and Latin.
>>>  I used to be addicted to diet coke. I’d have about 3 or 4 a day. In 2016 I totally kicked my habit and can go months without one now.
>>> I’m a night owl.
>>> My favourite role I ever played in a show was Hedda from Ibsen’s “Hedda Gabbler”.  But I also really enjoyed being Beatrice in “Much Ado About Nothing” and Audrey in “As You Like It”.
>>> I can never get bored of reading / seeing the Potter films and movies. I’ve always known I was a Ravenclaw but when I was younger I was upset because I really wanted to be a Gryffindor. Now I just own being Ravenclaw material.
>>> I went through a period of time when I only would read books in the Latin American Magical Realism genre. I was hard-core into it for awhile.
>>> I don’t eat seafood and once when I was little I accidentally killed a bunch of pet fish. I’m still doing penance for that act.
>>> I have massive issues with anxiety. But luckily it’s been a long time since I’ve experienced a really bad shame spiral of doom episode.
>>> People used to stop me on the street to me that I reminded them of Kirsten Dunst. I found it really annoying. Luckily it’s eased off since going brunette.
>>> I’m on my 4th round of UK visas. I have one more application (ILR) before I finally can qualify for dual citizenship.

>>>Sam and I met in the computer labs at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. He  gave me his phone number on the tiniest piece of notebook paper known to man.
>>> I’m a huge history nerd. I’m that person that doesn’t get travel burnout on seeing historical site after historical site. I love ’em. History was my best subject in school.
>>> I won a poetry award when I graduated from University and I’ve had poetry published in several locations. That’s where the name of my blog came from originally.
>>> Dion’s Pizza in New Mexico is some of the greatest pizza in the world, and no amount of Franco Manca will convince me otherwise.
>>> I can be super shy in person and it can take me a long time to warm up to people.
>>> I learned to swim really early. My mom had me in baby swim classes at 9 months. I actually can’t remember a time when I didn’t know how to swim. I swam competitively for 5 years with zero long term aspirations to being a swimmer, but just because I liked being in the pool. I had zero competitive drive and I apologise to my teammates retrospectively. In meets, I usually swam backstroke.
>>> I was on the Model UN team at school. We flew around the country participating in mock UN setups with other schools. I spent an entire year as a delegate from Turkey once.
>>> I have resting bitch face and it’s just what my damn face looks like. I’m not sad. That’s just my face.
>>> I hated math with a fiery passion in school. I still sometimes have nightmares about calculus class and my graphing calculator.
>>> I never feel really settled into a new place until I’ve registered for a library card.

>>> I’ve been really lucky and I’ve never had any trouble with my skin. But I did have braces for 5 years and I have coke bottle glasses for my appalling sight so I guess that was my trade off.
>>> I didn’t get my first mobile (cell) phone till I went away to university.
>>> I was always Baby Spice in Spice Girls re-enactment games. I secretly wanted to be Posh.
>>> Two things make me feel really envious: people buying homes and women announcing their pregnancies. The first because we are too poor, the second because for visa reasons, we can’t have a child.
>>> I find sports really boring. I just can’t muster any enthusiasm for them. I do, however, like snacks you get when you attend sports games. Especially baseball game snacks.
>>> Not only am I a terrible driver, but I also hate driving. You do not want me behind the wheel of a car that you are a passenger in.
>>> I can fold my hands in half and make either sides of my palms flat against each other. It makes my hands look like squids. #squidhands
>>> Pink was still my favourite colour past the age of 12, but I wanted to be cool so I would lie and say my favourite colour was red.
>>> I don’t actually like drinking water. I have to actively make myself.
>>> I’ve been the same height (5′ 6 1/2”) since I was 12. That was a really hard age for me because I was Manda-zilla compared to everyone else, and there wasn’t a single boy in my year who was taller than me. Luckily everyone caught up eventually.

>>> I wanted to be a lawyer or a marine biologist growing up. I didn’t actually know anything about marine biology. I just thought it would be cool to hang out on a boat all day and get paid to swim with fish.
>>> I’ve broken both legs, and my collar bone (all at separate times). Not to mention countless toes. Losing toenails is no fun and I recommend avoiding it.
>>> I love horror movies and being scared. The scarier the better. It’s rare for me to come across a horror film that I haven’t seen.
>>> I’d really like to have my own cookbook one day.
>>> I’ve long toyed with the idea of getting my yoga license. I’ve talked to Sam about it a lot now that we are in York and classes are cheaper and that’s a long-term life option for me.
>>> I’m not really a drinker. I enjoy a good cocktail on special occasions, a glass of wine at a nice dinner, or bubbles but that’s it really. I’m not a massive fan of sitting at the pub all day for that reason.
>>> I had a homemade Dorothy costume that I really loved as a kid. I basically refused to take it off for almost an entire year. I’m surprised I have any friends at all.
>>> I was in a sorority and loved every minute of it. 3 of my 5 bridesmaids were from my sorority.
>>> Textures make or break a food for me. I can’t even think about cottage cheese without gagging.
>>> The first thing I do when I come through the front door is change into pj trousers. I’m never dressed to be seen in public when I’m planning on being in the house all day.

Phew! It actually became hard to think of 50 things about myself by the end. What are your top 5 random facts about yourself? Or do any of yours overlap with mine?

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