
Happy Birthday Rhyme & Ribbons

harold singing happy birthday

5 years ago, in the midst of a long and boring winter, I started writing Rhyme & Ribbons to document my post-drama school time in England. And here we are now! 

I may not be making a full-time income off of Rhyme & Ribbons but because of this amazing space I’ve got to go jet-skiing in Spain, see amazing theatre in Berlin, and work with countless brands that I love and am honoured to work with time and time again. 

In the past 5 years, I’ve seen the blogosphere change a lot. From the death of sidebar ad revenue to the rise of instagram and here are some of my major takeaways. 
rhyme & ribbons birthday

1. You don’t have to have a blog “niche” but you do need to have a blog voice. Your niche could be writing about a whole range of topics – and your audience will love it – but you need to have an identifiable blog voice. And don’t try to have a blog voice that isn’t you. Sure there are some incredibly popular bloggers who drop “lols” and “heeey girls” in posts all the time. But if you don’t talk like that, then don’t write like that. Otherwise it comes across forced and awkward. 

2. Proofreading is the best thing that you can do for your blog. Nothing will hurt more than a brand going “Nice post! But can you fix typos X, Y, and Z”. (If you struggle to proofread your own posts and don’t have a friend who can help you out, try reading them aloud!)

3. Pitch to brands! But make sure you show them what value you’re bringing to the table. You’re not asking for something for free, you’re making a business exchange and you should treat it as such. Also, make a media kit for the occasion 

4. Read and comment on other bloggers’ posts. The fastest way to grow your own space is to engage in the community! Even if you’re the biggest blogger in the universe, it’s nice to acknowledge when people comment on your site by responding to at least a few comments. 

5. Make your site easy to read. Gone are the days of overly busy backgrounds (for the most part), but sometimes the editorial layouts that everyone is opting for mean that it’s really hard to tell what your most recent post is. And if I can’t tell, I probably won’t be clicking around to read it. 

happy birthday rhyme and ribbons
harold harold smiling harold singing happy birthday
(Harold singing Rhyme & Ribbons happy birthday) 

I can’t wait to keep plugging away at this space and see how it continues to change throughout the years. (If anyone wants a good laugh, go back and look at some of my earliest recipe posts – the food photography is cringeworthy).

I’m also giving myself a huge pat on the back because it’s not often that I’ve stuck with something for so long without becoming bored of it: especially something that’s as time-consuming as this space can be. So I’m telling myself job well done – happy blogiversary! 

I sincerely hope the future brings even more opportunities, maybe full-time commitments and I always have my side-eye directed towards a Rhyme & Ribbons book. 

I’ve enjoyed every crazy step of the blog-ride so far, so here’s to 5 more years of Rhyme & Ribbons. 

Birthday birthday bread birthday bread and balloon
birthday balloon
happy 5th birthday
5th birthday

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