"Woo Woo" Lifestyle

Alternative Health || Acupressure

***This contains a gifted product; however all opinions are forever my own***

I’ve gone to acupuncture appointments for over a year, but recently my schedule has not allowed for it. So I wanted to look for an alternative that would accomplish something similar for me and I landed on acupressure.

The acupressure mat was originally designed and researched in Russia in the 1970s. There’s over 6534 spikes on the mat.

The acupressure mat is said to help with energy release, stress, poor sleeping, tense muscles, and shoulder and neck aches and pains.

I researched a lot of different mats and I landed on the White Lotus Acupressure Mat due to it’s toxin-free construction, having been handmade in the EU, and certified food grade plastics.

It’s easy to use the mat. You just unroll it, line up the head-piece and lie there. (Wear a light fabric shirt- nothing too thick or you won’t get any benefits but don’t lie on it shirtless either.) Start by remaining on the mat for 10 minutes and then gradually build up to 20 minutes.

I’m a big fan of lying semi-supine and using Alexander Technique to help sort out back aches and pains, and this is a great tool to go alongside that. I found it quite relaxing and in no way painful. It’s not a substitute for acupuncture, but it’s definitely a useful tool to help relax and unwind in the evenings for me.

White Lotus also has an extensive collection of crystal rollers and Gua Sha tools. Personally, I love using my rose quartz roller as part of my morning skincare routine.

Have you tried acupressure before?

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