"Woo Woo" Slow Living

10 Things to Do this Summer to Reconnect with Nature and Ground Yourself

waterfall swimming

This is hands down my favourite season of the year, and I think there are a lot of us who love it. And because the weather is so lovely, it is a great time to reconnect with nature. So here are:

10 Things to Do this Summer to Reconnect with Nature and Ground Yourself

>>> Go for a wild swim. I’ve been loving wild swimming in Cambridgeshire these past three years, and despite the state of English rivers at the moment, it has always been lovely. 

>>> Eat as many meals outside as the weather allows. Coffee in the morning? Al fresco! Lunchtime paired with a walk around a park instead of at your desk. And I’ll be eating as many picnics for dinner as I can possibly manage. 

>>> Indulge in a spot of summer foraging. Elderflower is in bloom now, and later in the summer we will have all the wild blackberries out in force. 

>>> Take a hike somewhere new. Aim for the moors, river walks or a local wood. 

>>> Go camping! My absolutely favourite camping spot in the entire UK is Red Squirrel in Glencoe, Scotland but there are so many other places a bit closer to home for me to check out.

>>> Plant a little garden. Even if you don’t have your own outside space, you can put a few pots in a kitchen windowsill. I spent a whole weekend recently tending to my pots outside and it made me feel fantastic.

>>> It will feel silly at first, but kick off your shoes and walk around somewhere grassy. First of all, your feed will thank you from the freedom from the shoe prison. Second of all, this is called grounding or earthing and there are some studies that link many health benefits to taking time to ground. 

>>> Sit outside and stargaze. The night sky is such a source of wonder. Maybe you can learn to spot a few more constellations other than the Big Dipper. 

>>> Go to a local Farmer’s Market. It will honestly help you become more appreciating of the produce that you consume. And believe me, it tends to taste much, much better. (I am looking at you tomatoes.) 

>>> Engage in some outdoor exercise. Have you always wanted to try climbing? Paddle boarding? Or if you are in the market for something a bit more low-key, I am sure there are some outdoor yoga classes in your area.

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