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Slow Living

"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Celebrating Samhain

A brief background (because you know I love a bit of trivia and history):  The Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced ‘sowin‘) originated in Ireland, the UK and Northern France around 2,000 years ago. The Celtic new year started on…

"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Celebrating Lughnasadh / Lammas

This week is Lughnasadh (known as Lammas in England)- the 1st of August to be precise. It marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. We still have half of the summer to go, but…

"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Celebrating Litha

This week is Litha (on the 21st to be precise). Summer is my favourite season and it’s the one that I feel the most myself during. It’s the time of year that the Mother Goddess is swollen with life.…

streets of italy
"Woo Woo" Slow Living


It’s nearly Beltane – one of my personal favourite celebrations of the year. Beltane celebrates being halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It’s traditionally held on start sundown on 30 April through 1 May and it’s…

"Woo Woo" Seasonal Eating Slow Living

Celebrating Ostara

This week is Ostara (on the 21st to be precise). March is always a time of fairly extreme transition in England, and the weather this March has been better than the cold and snow that February brought. I love…

christmas tree lights
Lifestyle Slow Living

ABCs of Winter

I can’t believe it is time for my ABCs of Winter post already. It feels as though I just wrote the autumn post. The autumn has flown by, whilst at the same time 2020 feels that it has been…

an image of the dangling end of a burgundy scarf, brown boots and autumn leaves
"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Happy Samhain!

People may not be celebrating Halloween in the most traditional ways this year; trick o’ treating does seem off the cards for most. But I’m not going to let that stop me from embracing one of my favourite days…

Lifestyle Slow Living

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Tomorrow, the 20th of June is the summer solstice. (It’s also called the estival summer, or more famously, midsummer.) It’s the first official day of the summer and it’s also the longest amount of daylight that we in the…