
ABCs of Summer

The official start to summer is this weekend so in the spirit of all things warm, today I bring to you my ABCs of Summer (Bucket List). You can see my fall, winter, and spring lists.
ABCs of Summer 
river avon england lock
From a long walk along the river Avon to Mary Arden’s farm last year.

Act in something. Anything.

Boris Bikes. They look a bit silly, but I still want to ride them!
Camping. The Lake District would be nice but it’s fair away. I’d settle for somewhere more local.
Develop a workout routine. My fitness is not at it’s peak right now.
Eat outside as often as possible. Hurray picnics! / BBQ in our local park. Everything tastes better grilled right?
Fairs, festivals and fetes. Attend at least one.
Get sand between my toes at least one beachy day this summer.
Hairstyle change. Actually that’s big talk, I just desperately need a haircut. I’m starting to look like one of the merpeople from Harry Potter and that’s not a good thing.
Ice cream. I want to learn to home-make it, and make it well. And maybe red velvet flavoured.
Job applications. I’d like to make more money when I am not acting, in all honesty. Which means continuing to apply for jobs that are flexible enough to still allow me audition time, etc. I’ve applied for so many positions lately, it’s doing my head in.
Keep it local. I need to explore restaurants in our neighbourhood more. (Instead of choosing the same curry house every time.)
Learn to love running.
Make s’mores for Sam to try.
New recipes. While the light is good and the days are long, I want to stockpile some recipes posts for later.
Outdoor farmer’s market raid on berries while they are still fresh and delicious.
Paint the wardrobe.
Quizzes. I keep saying we’ll go to a local pub quiz, and it never happens.
Read more. Aka finish the Summer Reading Challenge.
Swimming in Hampstead Heath. The Ladies Pond is nicer than the Mixed Pond.
Taco and margarita party. And by party, I just mean I want to enjoy eating tacos and drinking margaritas outside with friends.
Understand the new 50mm lens inside and out.
Visit my BFF when she is in Europe.
WordPress. I’ll make the move soon. But I am scared still…
Xylophone band concert! All our hard work as finally paid off!
Young at heart. Try to stay fresh and positive.
Zoo trip to see the pandas in Edinburg! Hopefully after the Fringe Festival is over accommodation will be a bit cheaper and I can make a trip to see the pandas.

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