
Life Lately || 10 Happy Things

Happy end of the first week of March! I’m really enjoying this extra light but I could do with some extra warmth! I’ve been hard pressed to stop shivering all week long! 

first march

>>> Sam and I went and saw “The Forest”. It was rubbish but I still enjoyed being at the movie theatre. The hardest part was resisting buying my usual giant popcorn. Whole30 problems. 

>>> I’m now a week into the Whole30, and it’s not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I miss sweet things and bread, but I miss my daily Diet Coke the most. Next week I’ll blog about my meal plan up to that point.

>>> Have you watched the Ghostbusters trailer yet? I just cannot wait! It was one of my absolute favourites growing up and Kristen Wiig can do no wrong. 

>>> I voted in the presidential primaries this week. I explained on Facebook that Democrats Abroad sends 21 of its own delegates to the DNC to vote. Almost like an ‘extra’ state. Voter to delegate representation will weigh more than in your home state (usually). So as an expat it’s sometimes better to exercise your right to vote in the international primary and do so by March 8th.

>>> I bought a lovely bouquet of tulips for £2 (win!) to cheer my desk up a bit. 

>>> I tried oil pulling for the first time this week. I’d heard so many good things about it, and I decided it was time to attempt it. I can honestly say that I horribly failed. I ended up gagging and spitting out the coconut oil after about 3 minutes, not nearly close to the recommended 20. My suggestion to anyone else attempting it is this: melt your coconut oil first! My teeth did seem whiter and cleaner afterwards though so it’s worth another attempt. 

>>> Sam and I have been watching “The Trip” on Netflix before bed. I love the impressions (even if I only get the references to 95% of them); but even though I find it really funny, I find it very relaxing so I’ve fallen asleep before the end of every episode. 

>>> I’ve found a new guilty pleasure. Escape Room games on my iPhone. They are similar puzzles and hunts like a proper escape room but in app form. It’s become an addiction. Both my reading time and my sleep time have suffered the burden of this new pastime. 

>>>We now are under 150 days to the big day. It’s all starting to seem very real.

>>> I got surprised by a parcel from the Co-operative this week, filled with the perfect things for Mother’s Day this upcoming weekend (in the UK). It was such a lovely thing to come home to. It was full of wonderful goodies that would please anyone; two types of tea, a gorgeous teacup, red velvet cake, a bottle of prosecco, a cake stand, a chocolate rose. Now, I’m not a mother, but this has the makings of a perfect Mother’s Day tea party. All that’s missing are some tiny but tasty sandwiches and huge lashings of clotted cream.
all from the co-op
cake stand
tea party haul
chocolate rose
mother's day
What are your plans for this weekend? Will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this weekend or later in May?

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