10 Happy Things

Life Lately || 10 Things That Have Made Me Happy

I can’t believe April is winding down already! It seemed like it was still February a blink of an eye ago. But May is my favourite month because it’s birthday month, so I’d really like if the weather started playing ball and reciprocated some spring-like feelings! 

10 Things That Have Made Me Happy

>>>4 day work weeks and Easter were glorious. The spring having so many bank holidays is AMAZING! 

>>>When the weather was glorious a few weekends ago, Sam and I had our first BBQ of the year. There’s nothing finer on the entire planet than grilled halloumi. 

>>>We’ve been meaning to for ages, but we finely took a ghost tour of York. York is supposedly one of the most haunted cities in England and it was lots of silly fun. I’ve done several in London and a really great one in Edinburgh. For £5, it’s great entertainment value for the money! 

>>> It’s really silly, but I don’t understand why the flat sheet doesn’t really exist in the UK. I’ve complained about it to Sam for years. Finally, after nearly 7 years in the UK, I bought a flat sheet. (It’s a sheet that you sleep under that is an extra layer between you and the duvet. You still sleep atop a normal fitted sheet.) Sam doesn’t really see its splendour, but I do. 

>>> My mom sent through a care package for Easter and it was stuffed with Girl Scout Cookies and American candy. Heaven.

>>> I wrote about it last week, but having afternoon tea at Bettys was a bucket list activity. I stick to my claim that it’s the best afternoon tea in England. 

>>> I’d never watched a minute of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” but I noticed it on Netflix a few weeks ago and absolutely smashed through it. The episodes are so short and watchable; but it’s truly dark humour at times! 

>>> Attending Carluccio’s 80th birthday party in York, was definitely a highlight of the last few weeks!

>>> I’ve been really happy with my instagram account lately. The follow/unfollow game is still super frustrating but meh. I like my feed so…..there. 

>>> I had a brief (less than 24 hours) solo trip to Dublin that I can’t wait to write about. 

We have friends coming to stay with us this weekend. What exciting plans do you have to look forward to? 

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