10 Happy Things Lifestyle

Life Lately || 10 Things That Made Me Happy

Happy Friday everyone! We’ve been graced with yet another Bank Holiday weekend, not to mention some truly out of this world weather. Yes, in classic British tradition, it cools down a bit for the holiday weekend, but I’ll still take it. Plus the Bank Holiday day is my birthday and there’s nothing better than almost always getting three day weekends on your birthday! 

10 Things That Made Me Happy  

>>> Sam’s family was in town and it was insanely busy, but a lot of good fun. We made a reservation at Source in York for Sunday lunch and it was beautiful. I’ll be going back to Source at the first available opportunity. 

>>> I was a bit surprised by the Eurovision winner. No offence to Portugal, but did it really beat Italy’s dancing gorilla? I think not! 

>>>Sam passed his driving test! I mentioned it on twitter but I’m so excited! When I came back super late at night after the trip to Benidorm, Sam picked me up in the car and it was absolutely thrilling. 

>>> I had such an amazing time in Benidorm. The weather was perfect, the people were lovely, the food was delicious and the activities were so much fun! I already posted my first Beni post yesterday, but look out for more to come in the future! 

>>> I tried Essie’s Gel Polish range and it’s really, really great! My day job is really hands on so most polish flakes off within a day or two, but my Essie Gel went at least a week and a half before it started showing its first small cracks. 

>>> And how about the weather we’ve been having in the UK lately?! It’s been absolutely glorious. Now, I don’t want to jinx it, but I would happily have it the way it’s been for the rest of my life. 

>>> When I was in London, on my way back from Benidorm, I made a cheeky stop at Five Guys for a special treat. Ugh….. so good! I didn’t tell Sam about it though because I didn’t want to make him too jealous. 

>>  You might remember that I’m training for the Great North Run. Well I’d absolutely fallen out of practice running and I’ve taken it back up lately. Running at 9pm when it’s still light out is such a treat! 

>>> The new season of Kimmy Schmidt is excellent. That is all.

>>> I haven’t had a newsletter in a few weeks but there’s one coming out on Saturday morning. Make sure you subscribe here to receive it straight to your inbox! 

Happy Bank Holiday weekend everyone! What will you be doing with your Monday off? It’s my birthday, so Sam and I will be going away for the weekend.

Hope you have a great one! 


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