Recipes Vegan Vegetarian

Recipes || Summer Greens Curry

summer greens curry with rice

Sometimes, I whip up recipes in a frenzy just because I am trying to use up everything in the fridge that might go off soon. On the whole, Sam and I never throw food away because it’s gone off and we are very conscious of prioritising what’s in our fridge. 

On a side note, I once read that between 20% of household bread in the UK gets wasted; most of that percentage being bread that’s sat out on the side and gotten stale or too mouldy. (Apparently 69% of Britons admit to throwing away at least one slice of bread every week.) We’ve never had a bread not get eaten because I am a bread fiend, so I can’t really comprehend that. My suggestion is, if you have the propensity towards having your bread go off is to store it in the freezer and just toast slices as and when you need them straight from frozen. That way it keeps basically forever. 

That was a detour! But back to this my Summer Greens Curry


1 tablespoon of coconut oil
2 tins of coconut milk
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 bell pepper, diced
2 thai chillis, chopped
4 carrots, diced
1/2 cup of frozen peas
handful of new potatoes, quartered
large bunch of spring greens
thai green chilli paste
juice of a lime
fresh basil, to top (optional)


In a large pan, saute your onions until translucent. Whilst that’s happening boil the potatoes for 10 minutes.

Add the garlic, chillis, pepper and carrot to your pan. Once they’ve been lightly fried, add in the coconut milk, strained potatoes and 2 heaped tablespoons of green curry paste. Add a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

Once your potatoes and carrots are on their way to being soft, add in your spring greens.

Cook for a further 10 minutes. Then add in your frozen peas for about 3 minutes and take the curry off the heat.

I served mine with basmati rice and topped with fresh basil.

carrots and peppers
vegetables chopped
summer greens
first cooking the summer greens curry
pouring in coconut milk
adding in greens
summer greens curry summer greens curry with rice

What’s your favourite way to pack in the greens? 

If you liked this recipe, you might also enjoy: 

Beetroot and Coconut Curry
Butternut Squash Thai Green Curry
Cauliflower Lentil Curry
Chickpea and Lemongrass Green Curry
Chard Saag Aloo

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