Lifestyle Slow Living

How I Recharge Daily

vegan avocado toast

E.ON challenged me to share with my readers how I recharge myself in small ways on a daily basis. One of the largest bits of clarity that I’ve received since turning 30 is that it isn’t selfish or lazy to take time out for myself and to want a life that’s a little bit slower and simpler.

I’m in a place now where I feel quite happy with myself, my confidence, and my anxiety is at a historic low. And I think it’s largely thanks to taking time for myself and checking in internally on a daily basis.

But nationwide, a whopping 42% of Brits report having lower-energy levels at this time of year, and 44% report feeling even more drained this year compared to the last. Those are some eye-opening numbers, so really everyone’s life could benefit by taking things a little bit more slowly and carefully over the next few months.

The little things that recharge my day: 

Get my blood flowing: 

I try to alternate going for a short (30 minute) run in the mornings, with doing some yoga in the morning. Once I’ve gotten the waking up sluggishness out of my system with either some brisk fresh air, or a relaxing yoga session, I then have breakfast and go about my day.


Limit my caffeine intake and keep it warm:

I’m never going to go caffeine-free, and I very much enjoy my morning coffee. But by having reduced the amount of caffeine that I have on a daily basis (mostly through coffee and Diet Coke), I’ve reduced my reliance on it, so it doesn’t take me quite as much to pep up. Now I look forward to my morning coffee as a treat and not a make-or-break, and I’ve cut out Diet Coke entirely.

E.ON shared some interesting nourishing tips from food expert Jasmine Helmsley, and one of them was the Ayurvedic belief that you should be drinking warm and hot drinks in the winter to keep your digestion flowing. I’ve mentioned before that Ayurveda is something that I would love to learn more about!

coffee art

Eating lunch right: 

It’s a no brainer really, but there have been many, many times that I’ve been too rushed, busy or tired to eat a proper lunch so I scoff down two packets of skittles. Which inevitably leaves me exhausted and starving by dinner time. When I eat a nutrient dense lunch, it never fails to perk me up and keep me going throughout the day. My go-to is sliced roasted sweet potatoes, topped with spinach, a handful of roasted tomatoes and some mashed avocados. It works wonders.

Getting some fresh air: 

If I feel a bit sluggish or uninspired come 3pm, I’ll give myself 15 minutes to go on a quick walk around the block. I like to try to spend some time outdoors everyday because I believe in a daily appreciation of nature, but also it really helps blow the cobwebs away.

For more energy recharging tips and events, head over to E.ON’s recharge page. Plus, check out all the lovely goodies that E.ON sent me to encourage me to take some recharging time out every day. Sam’s already nabbed the colouring book, and that candle is one of the best I’ve ever had!

Eon box Eon charger Eon colouring Eon gifts Eon goods Eon tea and candle

***This post was sponsored by E.ON, to help advertise their wide range of products and services. Although I was paid for this advertisement, all views are my own***

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