
Life Lately || 10 Things that Made Me Happy Recently

It’s been months since I’ve done a catch-up post, so I thought it time to fill you in on a bit of what’s been going on in my life lately.

>>> I saw the National Theatre Live broadcast of “Fleabag” and it was wonderful. I also pre-ordered the script and I’m picking it up today.

>>> I am in month 3 of secondary school teacher training, and I can’t believe how quickly it’s flying by. Everyone I’ve spoken to has said that your PGCE year will be one of the hardest years of your life and it’s absolutely true.

>>> My bursary for teacher training has started to trickle in month-by-month which is such a relief.

>>> I got a new tattoo at The Buzz Club in Leeds with Hayley and I am over-the-moon with how it turned out. I absolutely love it.

>>> I sadly had a show on my favourite holiday, Halloween, but I managed to squeeze in eating spooky cupcakes, carving a pumpkin and watching the film ‘Insidious’ to celebrate. Not to mention the fact that I’m re-watching ‘AHS: Coven’.

>>> I’ve seen a fair amount of theatre this autumn. ‘Hansard’ from the National Theatre, a production of ‘Red Shoes’, ‘A View from the Bridge’ at the York Theatre Royal and a delightful show called ‘Monster Makers’.

>>> I just finished a run of the show ‘Anthony & Cleopatra’. It’s a long and tricky show to perform, and we certainly gave it our all. I played Pompey which is such a fun character to get to inhabit.

>>> I went to a concert in Leeds to see a performer called David Ford. He plays all the instruments by himself and the way he does it is insanely clever.

>>> I haven’t had much time for reading lately with PGCE training and the play, but Phillip Pullman’s ‘The Secret Commonwealth’ is burning a hole on my nightstand.

>>> I’ve started going to therapy. The NHS waiting list in the area is insanely long but luckily I have access to services through the university. I firmly believe that everyone should go to therapy at least a few times in their lives.

What I’ve been watching lately: ‘The Politician” and rewatching “Community” and “American Horror Story” and super excited to continue on with the BBC adaptation of “His Dark Materials”.

What have you been up to lately?

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