Nature Slow Living

10 Things to Do this Spring

spring laura ashely

I absolutely love spring (minus the hayfever). The warmer days, the lighter daylight hours, the flowers.. what is there not to love? Here is my bucket list of 10 Things to Do this Spring.

>>> I am looking forward to seeing a few more gigs this spring, including indulging my inner 14-year-old and seeing Death Cab for Cutie on their UK tour.

>>> I am having to move out of my beloved flat in the countryside that I have lived in for nearly the past 3 years to a small village. I am sure that I will love the convenience of where I will be living, but at the moment I’m mourning the move that I did not want to make. However, I love having a big clear out, so I am planning on seriously slimming down my belongings.

>>> I am undertaking the 1000 hour outdoor challenge. After spending the vast majority of the winter in and out of the hospital and really unwell, I am quite behind on the challenge and I am going to try to seriously catch up this spring.

>>> After spending about 2 years of growing out my hair, I got a drastic cut this winter and lost about 7 inches because I got bored of it. I wanted my bob cut back in, but due to the play that I am in at the moment, I can’t sport a bob. It’s too out of the time period and would be too difficult to style appropriately.

>>> And speaking of the play that I am in, you can catch this modern adaptation of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House in Peterborough. Instead of there being one Nora there is a Nora from 1918, 1968, and the present day. I’m playing the 1918 Nora.

>>> Spring flowers will soon be in bloom. Even though peonies are my absolute favourite flower and won’t be in season for a few more months, local-sourced spring flowers absolutely bring me joy.

>>> I can’t wait to start having meals outside. Picnics, morning coffee – it doesn’t matter what. I just love a bit of al fresco dining!

>>> I want to get settled into my new flat this spring and explore the local area and find the best walking routes and picnic spots. I’ll take advantage of the warmer weather and longer daylight hours to start my exploration.

>>> I’d like to find somewhere to do at least one session of outdoor yoga this spring as well as get started running again. (My entire fitness regime suffered when I was so ill this winter and I haven’t got back into the swing of things again.)

>>> I would also like to get back into vegan baking and bake some spring treats during the term break.

What are you looking forward to this spring?

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