Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in March

Happy March everyone! Surely I’m not the only one that’s glad to be well-shot of February. Even if the temperatures don’t reflect it, I think of the beginning of March bringing with it the optimism of spring. 

Warm weather and sunny days are on their way! Unfortunately, as far as fresh produce is concerned, we are in the middle of the “hungry gap” in the UK. It’s still too cold for most food to start growing again and most staple crops that have been stored are now dwindling in supply. The Sustainable Food Trust has a really interesting article on the hungry gap in Britain that you can read hereif you’re interested. But never fear: by mid-May seasonal eaters can start to luxuriate in choice again! 

And I try not to wish too much time away, but soon it will be asparagus season, and I love that weird, strange-looking, smelly vegetable! 

Seasonal Eating in March
vegan avocado toast

Food that is in season in the UK in the Spring (March, April & May): 
bramley apple, lemon, banana, pomegranate, orange, rhubarb, grapefruit, apricot, nectarine, celeriac, cabbage, Jerusalem artichokes, spinach, bell peppers, pak choi, potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, spring greens, watercress, peas, radish brussels sprouts, leeks

Food to eat in the UK in March: 

cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, kale, leeks, purple sprouting broccoli, salsify, spinach, swede, and the spring onions are particularly good!  

And as a special bonus, anyone who signs up to my newsletter will receive a monthly email about what food is in season and some recipe suggestions to make with that food. 

Sign up for my newsletter today to get your March guide shortly! 

Do you have any favourite March recipes? Let me know them in the comments! 

Pin it for later or download it to remind yourself: 

march seasonal eating guide


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