
August Travel Linkup – Movies, Books & TV

This month I have the absolute pleasure of co-hosting the Travel Link up, alongside the gorgeous Emma (Adventures of a London Kiwi), Angie (SilverSpoon London) and Binny (Binny’s Food and Travel Diaries)

This month’s prompt is: has a movie/book/TV series inspired travel or have you visited set locations in a certain destination?

So what would my answer be?


The absolute first thing that popped into my mind would be Haworth in West Yorkshire. Haworth was home to the Brontes, the Bronte parsonage and museum are there. The village really dines out on it’s Bronte reputation and it hardly looks modernised at all. If you erased the cars and people in modern dress from your eye-line it would be remarkably similar to the Haworth the Brontes knew so well.

There are multiple walks that you can do out on the moors outside of the village that mimic walks that the Bronte sisters would make and draw their ambience from. You can even spy the old farmhouse that was the inspiration for Top Withens.

You can read my whole post on Yorkshire of the Brontes here. It has all my recommended walks and locations.

But it was impossible for me to stop at just one location. I’d say my second favourite place that I visited just for it’s literary merits is Heptonstall.

It’s not a million miles away from Haworth so it would be completely possible to visit them both in one fell swoop. Heptonstall is walkable from Hebden Bridge and it’s where the American writer and poet, Sylvia Plath is buried.

You can read more about my visit here.

Bath with it’s Austen connections comes as a close third for me! What are yours?

Link up your post anytime between now and 7 August and get inspired by everyone else’s travels!

Thanks for having me, Angie, Binny and Emma!

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