

I just realized that I haven’t written one of these posts since April. I think it’s because life has been fairly sedate since the lockdown started and there wasn’t too much difference in the day to day. But actually, a fair bit has happened. So. Here we go.

10 Things that Have Made Me Happy Recently

>>> I finished my PGCE, received my QTS and had an Outstanding for my teaching practice.

>>> I had a lockdown birthday. It was actually really lovely and I enjoyed myself immensely.

>>> I’ve got on a lot of local adventures, including getting to visit Malham Cove in Yorkshire for the first time.

>>> I visited the new school that I’ll be teaching at. I’m moving mid-August so it was a relief to finally see it and meet people in person. I also had a bath where I was staying. It’s the thing I miss the most in my flat – a bath. It was my first one since February and it was fantastic.

>>> It’s been lovely to start being able to have socially-distant meetups with friends. Though I am a bit stressed about the return to normality. Seeing crowds in the streets of York has been anxiety-inducing.

>>> I discovered my all-time favorite ice-cream flavor. It’s a blueberry muffin flavor and they sell it at Licc in York. It’s absolutely fantastic.

>>> I’ve been doing a Yoga with Adriene 30-Day challenge and I am loving that I’ve had the time to get into my practice again.

>>> We celebrated Harold’s 3rd birthday. I made him a pupcake and a puppaccino.

>>> To celebrate finishing my PGCE I went for a swim in the Ouse, drank fizz and had a picnic. It was the best evening.

>>> I’ve started ordering coffee from the Girls Who Grind and it is absolutely fantastic.

What I’ve been watching lately: “Schitt’s Creek” as well as “Warrior Nun”. Listening to: “My Favourite Murder” and “Spooked”. Reading: “The Ghost of Thomas Kempe”

What have you been happy about lately?

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