
Happy Christmas!

Hello friends! We’ve nearly made it. And what a year it’s been, and not one that anyone had envisioned. 2020 is almost at its end.

It’s been a long and stressful year this year, so I’ll be taking the next two weeks off. I hope that you and your families have an absolutely wonderful and maintenance Christmas and Boxing Day.

And that New Year’s Eve isn’t full of pressure and unnecessary importance – it’s never really that worth it. Ring in the New Year however you want. Even if that’s just by treating yourself to an early night.

Over the next few weeks, take a deep breath. Slow down. Say no. Be kind to yourself. Make new traditions just for you, your friends and your family. Spend time on FaceTime. Spend time off your phone. But most of all, I hope your lives are full of love and happiness.

I’ll see you in 2021 – a new year and a new decade. Here’s to a better year for all of us.

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