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“Woo Woo”

"Woo Woo" Seasonal Eating Slow Living

Celebrating Ostara

This week is Ostara (on the 21st to be precise). March is always a time of fairly extreme transition in England, and the weather this March has been better than the cold and snow that February brought. I love…

an image of the dangling end of a burgundy scarf, brown boots and autumn leaves
"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Happy Samhain!

People may not be celebrating Halloween in the most traditional ways this year; trick o’ treating does seem off the cards for most. But I’m not going to let that stop me from embracing one of my favourite days…

"Woo Woo" Lifestyle

Hormone-Free Birth Control

I was on the birth control pill for nearly a decade when I decided that I wanted to stop altering my body’s natural hormones. It was around the same time that I was doing my doula training so I…

"Woo Woo" Lifestyle

Celebrating Beltane

Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival to celebrate being halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It’s traditionally held on 1 May and it’s both the peak of spring and the beginning of summer. Plus it…

"Woo Woo" Slow Living

Imbolc 2020

Something that I’ve noticed recently is the increase in light every day. This year is quite different from year’s previous due to my teacher training, and I always find the winter to be quite the challenge for me. But…

"Woo Woo" Lifestyle

Celebrating Mabon (Autumn Equinox)

We are in the middle of Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. It’s the end of the harvest season. The days may still be a little warm, but the summer is definitely at it’s end. There’s a distinct chill in the…

"Woo Woo" Lifestyle

Alternative Health || Acupressure

***This contains a gifted product; however all opinions are forever my own*** I’ve gone to acupuncture appointments for over a year, but recently my schedule has not allowed for it. So I wanted to look for an alternative that…

"Woo Woo"

Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

I’ve blogged before about how I am an anxious person with a history of clinical anxiety and depression. Over the last few years, I have made a concerted effort to concentrate on lowering the levels of stress in my…