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Seasonal Eating

seasonal eating
Lifestyle Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in May

I know I say it every single month, but I absolutely can’t believe that it’s May now! That means the year is almost halfway over but most importantly… we are in my birthday month. Hooray! I hope you’re getting…

Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in April

Hooray for April! The light is longer and it finally feels like spring is here. And for everyone who has work off today: here’s a massive hooray to that!  I love spring (but not quite as much as I…

Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in March

Happy March everyone! Surely I’m not the only one that’s glad to be well-shot of February. Even if the temperatures don’t reflect it, I think of the beginning of March bringing with it the optimism of spring.  Warm weather…

seasonal eating
Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in February

Happy February everyone! Now that we’ve entered a new month, it’s time for a new seasonal eating list.  Seasonal Eating in February     Food that is in season in the UK in the Winter (December, January & February):  Fruit: oranges,…

sliced vegan pizza
Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in January

Happy January everyone! Now that we’ve entered a new year and a new month, it’s time for a new seasonal eating list.  I have seen loads and loads of people on my twitter timeline mention that they are taking…

Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in December

Happy December 1st everyone! Honestly, where did November go? Or even more so- where did the Autumn go? I felt like it was just Halloween a blink ago and Christmas is rolling on so quickly! But now that we’ve…

seasonal eating
Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in November

Happy November 1st everyone! I hope everyone had an excellent Halloween and that no one is suffering from the inevitable sugar (or otherwise) hangover. Now that we’ve entered a new month, it’s time for a new seasonal eating list. …

chopped vegetables
Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating in October

Hello friends! We’re nearing the end of September and that means that a new month’s seasonal eating list needs to come out.  I know that the first official day of autumn falls in September, but it’s October when I…

Seasonal Eating

Tips on Seasonal Eating

Seasonal eating goes along with my feelings on slow-living, reducing meat consumption and trying to eat as organically as possible. But besides those factors, there are a lot of other reasons to eat seasonally.  Why eat seasonally?  Pragmatically, fresh…